If there is one word, I could use to describe VMWS’ ‘All about Intersectionality, Feminism and Health Equity’ event – it would be ‘inspiring’.
Held on the 16th of September, we were joined by an expert panel of almost 10 and over 50 attendees, passionate about the topic of intersectional feminism and its complex relationship with healthcare.
The night was opened by Dr Emily Gray, sociologist, and founder of FEAS (Feminist Educators Against Sexism) who took us through the definition of intersectional feminism and the concept of power mapping. She was joined by A/Prof Nada Hamad, a haematologist, who shared her own experience within the healthcare system as both a biracial doctor and patient.
Dr Gray then led a rapid-fire panel discussion, which gave each of the following experts the chance to highlight pertinent issues within the communities they had served:
- A/Prof Ruth McNair (speaking on LGBTQIA+ patients)
- Dr Mariam Tokhi (speaking on patients from lower socioeconomic demographics)
- Dr Samantha Loi (speaking on patients with mental health concerns)
- Dr Kate Gregorevic (speaking on ageism/elderly patients)
- Helen Freris and Rosie Granland (speaking on patients with disabilities)
- Dr Gill Singleton (speaking on patients of refugee and asylum seeker origin)
*Please note Dr Vinka Barunga (speaking on First Nations patients) was unable to attend the event due to a last-minute emergency and we acknowledge that her wisdom and knowledge would have been invaluable.
The final part of the night saw us split into small breakout groups with each of the experts to discuss different pre-prepared scenarios addressing each of the topics they had spoken upon. Overall, a successful and thought-provoking night, fuelled by passionate discussion albeit via the chat function on Zoom! I speak on behalf of the entire VMWS committee when I say we left the event feeling simply, invigorated.
VMWS is grateful for our wonderful panel members who kindly volunteered their time and our audience who participated with great enthusiasm. A special thank you to our very own student members Sarah Robinson and Raleena Mendis alongside our Events Coordinator Dr Jess Motyer who were instrumental in organising this event.
The recording of this event is available for VMWS members through our website.
Some great quotes and thoughts from the event:
Resources and articles shared during the event – some even written/produced by our panel members:
- An article written by Dr Kate Gregorevic on women’s experiences of dementia: https://aeon.co/essays/how-the-life-paths-of-men-and-women-affect-the-diagnosis-of-dementia
- An article written by our very own Dr Deb Colville exploring gendered medicine: https://theconversation.com/medicines-gender-revolution-how-women-stopped-being-treated-as-small-men-77171
- “Return of Race Science” by Angela Saini (book recommendation)
- “Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy, and Premature Birth” by Dána-Ain Davis (book recommendation)
- FEAS: www.feministeducatorsagainstsexism.com
- Dr Ruth McNair’s education module, ‘Trans GP Module’: https://nwmphn.org.au/for-primary-care/clinical-support/lgbtiq-support/
Written by: Dr Shiva Sridhar