AWHN Applauds Labor National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy
The Australian Women’s Health Network applauds the Labor Party announcement today that it will deliver a National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy if elected.
The Australian Women’s Health Network applauds the Labor Party announcement today that it will deliver a National Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy if elected.
The VMWS advocates on an ongoing basis for equitable pay and leadership representation in all medical organisations. In 2018, the VMWS were informed that part-time GP registrars were not reimbursed fully for educational release, where as full-time GP registrars were. This unequal pay was unfair and discriminatory. We contacted the… Read More »Equitable pay and leadership representation in medical organisations
Breastfeeding is a significant part of society, affecting many doctors’ lives, yet it is not always accepted and supported in our workplaces. Breastfeeding is important. The VMWS would like to encourage you to continue breastfeeding while working and studying if that is what you choose to do. The VMWS recognises… Read More »Breastfeeding in public and at work