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Doctors’ health

  •  AFMW 

Medical Consulting Victoria

Practice Principle: Dr. Leanne Rowe AM, MB BS, MD, Dip RACOG, FRACGP, FAICD has over 25 years experience as a rural general practitioner. A former Chairman of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, she is now Deputy Chancellor of Monash University and on the board of Beyond Blue: the national depression initiative. She has also been involved in teaching and research and was awarded a Doctor of Medicine Degree in 2006 on the topic of youth depression.
Her most recent book includes “Save your Life and the Lives of Those you Love: your GP’s 6 step plan for staying healthy longer” coauthored by Professor Michael Kidd, endorsed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and published by Allen and Unwin.  She has been awarded the Rose Hunt Medal by the RACGP and “Best Individual Contribution Health Care in Australia”.
Contact details: Telephone: 03 99398875, email: [email protected]

The Victorian Doctors’ Health Program

VDHP is a confidential and compassionate service for doctors and medical students with health concerns including stress & anxiety problems, substance use disorders, mental health disorders, any other health problems, including physical health concerns. The Victorian Doctors Health Program (VDHP) has been established to ensure that a full time dedicated service is available to meet the needs of sick and impaired doctors and medical students. It is a fully independent legal entity funded by the Medical Practitioner’s Board of Victoria, and operates independently from any other organisation. VDHP provides prompt advice to doctors and medical students who feel at risk, or who think that they may have a problem. Advice is also provided to anyone who is concerned about a doctor or medical student. This includes family, friends, professional colleagues, and hospital and clinical staff.
Contact details: (03) 9495 6011

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