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NCWV November Council Meeting – Thursday 4 November 5:15 to 7:15 pm

Topic: UNAA and Soroptimists programs by Shirley Reynolds

Shirley Reynolds, President Soroptimist International Melbourne Inc, and Board Member of United Nations Association of Australia (Status of Women Committee) ( 2019/20), will speak about how the UNAA champions the critical work of the United Nations, and the advocacy and outreach programs of Soroptimist International.

Here is the link for the NCWV Council Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 8494 3309

Passcode: 053610


The United Nations has over 100 associations working around the world to raise awareness about the UN and its work and to engage local communities on key UN issues such as human rights, gender equality, climate change, peace and security. Two are mentioned below:

United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA)

Established in 1946, the United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) endeavors to inform, inspire and engage all Australians regarding the work, goals and values of the United Nations, to create a safer, fairer, more sustainable world. The Association has divisions in each state and territory.

To implement our Strategic Plan,  teams across Australia run over 150 events a year engaging thousands of people on the work of the UN and the Sustainable Development Goals.  National programs and many events help educate Australian citizens and leaders about the UN’s vital work and encourage them to become involved in promoting the UN.

UNAA works to

  • support UN Youth to promote greater understanding of the UN within Australian schools, particularly through the conduct of Model UN Conferences
  • promote the UN’s critical role in striving to maintain international peace and security, human rights and sustainable development
  • promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the issues affecting Australians and Australia, such as climate change, the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, gender equality and refugees.

United Nations Association of Australia (Victorian Division) or UNAA Victoria

In Victoria, this is carried out by UNAA Victoria  a non-profit, non-government, membership based organisation which works to:

  • raise awareness of the UN and its programs and
  • engage local communities in key UN issues such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include targets relating to human rights and climate change.

UNAA Victoria is not funded by the UN and, as a result, relies on support from governments and members and supporters.

You may like to read the 201920 UNAA Victoria Annual Report

Soroptimist International

Founded in 1921, Soroptimist International is a global volunteer movement with a network of around 72,000 club members in 121 countries. Advocating for human rights and gender equality, at the heart of Soroptimist International’s advocacy is its work across seven UN Centres, where our UN representatives ensure that the voices of women and girls are heard. Our membership work on grassroots projects that help women and girls achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an equal voice in communities worldwide.

Each Soroptimist club belongs to one of the five SI Federations within Africa, Great Britain & Ireland, Europe, The Americas and South-West Pacific. 

SI Australia works under the umbrella of Soroptimist International South West Pacific  to spread the SI message of hope and compassion. SI Australia believes that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Through advocacy and outreach activities,  teams work tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.

Advocacy work and on-the-ground projects directly contribute to helping women and girls access their human rights across the World.

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