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MWIA Centennial Memorial Book Donations

The VWMS would like to thank all the following donors who have contributed to the MWIA Centennial Memorial Book. Their names and quotes will be featured in the book that will be released later this year!

To register to attend the MWIA Centennial Congress that is to be held in New York City on July 25- 28 this year: go here!

List of Donors:

  • MAGDALENA SIMONIS, MBBS FRACGP DRANZCOG MHHS: ‘Medical Women make great leaders’
  • ELYSIA ROBB, MBBS: ‘Advocating for part-time, encouraging work-life balance’
  • ROSALIND TERRY, B.Sc (Hons), MBBS: ‘Delighted to honour the women so ahead of their time in beginning IMWS considering how few women doctors and the communication across the world at the time. Amazing women’
  • CATHERINE (KATE) DUNCAN, MBBS FRANZCOG: ‘Medical Women’s Societies are our true Peer Group’
  • MADHURA S NAIDU, MBBS BMedSc (Hons): ‘Medical women empower each other to create and enforce change in our world’
  • DESIREE YAP, MBBS FRANZCOG MPHTM FRCOG: ‘Congratulations on 100 years of promoting friendship between medical women of the world and the opportunity to confer a health & wellbeing of humanity and work against gender inequality’
  • MERRILYN LEILA MURNANE, AM MBBS FRACP DPH DDU: ‘To keep women in the forefront of medicine’
  • MARISSA DANIELS, MBBS BMedSc: ‘Towards equitable health and wellbeing for all, especially women and children’
  • MELANIE DORRINGTON, BBiomedSc(Hons) MBBS FRACGP: ‘Medical Women stand up for those needing a voice’
  • MARJORIE CROSS, OAM MBBS FRACGP: ‘As doctors, we teach to improve  the health of our communities, so let us ensure that kindness to one another and to our patients remains central to  health care’

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