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AFMW Statement on COVID-19

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Second AFMW COVID-19 PANDEMIC (SARS-CoV-2) Public Statement Second AFMW COVID-19 PANDEMIC (SARS-CoV-2) Resource List

Past statements: AFMW COVID-19 PANDEMIC (SARS-CoV-2) Public Statement  | View Resources & Links

The AFMW recognises the Global COVID-19 Pandemic as a health emergency first and foremost, in addition to its profound social and financial consequences. Our members are urged to consult regularly the relevant Federal and State Health websites for resources, situational and procedural updates. Federal Resources: We request Federal and State Governments to give priority to our concerns below, and welcome comments and feedback from our members, so that we can truly be the voice of Australian Medical Women during this crisis. We emphasize that epidemiological evidence indicates that coronavirus ‘responds extremely well to public health measures such as social distancing and quarantining’*, and that Australia is uniquely positioned medically, socially and geographically to provide “extreme social distancing” in a compassionate and caring way that will protect our most vulnerable during this pandemic until a vaccine becomes available that can reduce community acquired infection. (*epidemiologist Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz ) The Executive Committee Australian Federation of Medical Women  

Resources and Links

Here is a collection of resources and links we found particularly useful. If you find something to add, please contact us at [email protected].

SEE ALSO – Latest COVID-19 Resource List

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