Dr Rosalie Cooper

VMWS Treasurer 2017-2020

Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) News

We congratulate the Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic and Social Research’s MABEL research program at the University of Melbourne for being recognised for its contribution to healthcare policy by winning the HSRAANZ 2018 Impact Award. The Health Services Research Association of Australia & New Zealand (HSRAANZ) award recognises research that has… Read More »Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) News

Book Launch: ‘The Women’s: carers, advocates, and reformers’

This Book Launch and Historical Exhibition was held at the Medical Museum in the Brownless Library, University of Melbourne, on Monday April 15th, 2019. The exhibition will remain open until November 2, 2019. Details of the book are at medicalhistorymuseum.mdhs.unimelb.edu.au A number of VMWS members attended the launch including Dr Magdalena… Read More »Book Launch: ‘The Women’s: carers, advocates, and reformers’

VMWS and our relationship with our male colleagues

We know that the current VWMS arrangements for looking after our members and associate members, is appreciated by them. Men who become aware of this organization may wonder why they cannot join and benefit from the companionship we generate. We welcome their support and invite them to some of our events.

We also provide other events that our committee offers only for our members. To do this we must apply every 3 years to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission for exemption from their regulations for our women only events. So far this has never been refused.

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