
Medical Women’s International Association Centennial Congress New York City, 2019

Women at the UN Special Event © Desiree Yap  Report written by Dr Madhura Naidu, VMWS Secretary and ICU Registrar The Medical Women’s International Association (MWIA) was founded in 1919, when a group of medical women from various countries came together in New York City to have dinner and discuss… Read More »Medical Women’s International Association Centennial Congress New York City, 2019

Off the Radar

This is a deliberately regular notice I send to friends and colleagues. Every few months I pre-empt my need for silence and space and the simplicity of time in the outdoors. Away from being contactable and away from finding more things to do – one of the problems in being… Read More »Off the Radar

VMWS and our relationship with our male colleagues

We know that the current VWMS arrangements for looking after our members and associate members, is appreciated by them. Men who become aware of this organization may wonder why they cannot join and benefit from the companionship we generate. We welcome their support and invite them to some of our events.

We also provide other events that our committee offers only for our members. To do this we must apply every 3 years to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission for exemption from their regulations for our women only events. So far this has never been refused.

Read More »VMWS and our relationship with our male colleagues

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